The content of the commission should be something I would kinda draw anyway — Something in my wheelhouse that I’ll have fun with, and can offer prints of to my shop visitors. That doesn’t mean it can’t be personal to you, but it might mean I won’t agree to it if it’s too specifically personal. In this way, I accept commissions sort of as drawing prompts.
I’m most likely to accept themes involving buildings, locations, technology, objects, nature, or animals. I’m less likely to accept commissions that involve multiple people, specific people (likeness), well drawn people, etc. In a nutshell, it’s important that I am free to be loose, naive, and wonky in order to ensure a successful, expressive sketch.
I sketch in pen & ink and brush pen markers, using the tools and colors I have available to me, which are limited. The 4 or 5 colors I use in most of my drawings are the colors I use in commissioned pieces. I typically work on white 11x14 paper (vertical or horizontal). Final sketch ships signed and rolled.
I don’t do sketches. This is a get-what-you-get kinda thing. Sort of like when you get a caricature at the carnival, but more expensive.
I have maybe a unique way of handling this, but I’ve found that it works best for everyone: I take half up front. If you see the final sketch and it’s not quite what you were expecting, you can (with no hard feelings) opt to only get a signed print of it, rather than the original, and you will only owe the cost of printing & shipping ($30ish US) and I will keep the advance fee. I’ll then happily add the original to my shop. Of course, if you see it and want nothing to do with it, we can leave it at that, but the upfont fee will not be returned.
Most commissions fall in the $200-$400 range.
Because I work on commissions with secondary priority to professional work, which comes and goes, it’s difficult for me to set hard deadlines and guarantee completion/delivery time. If it is for a gift or wedding invite, or something time-sensitive, let me know and maybe there is a chance my schedule will allow for it.